With the new CMS Scrivito and pure application development, we carry out development work in sub-projects, which we realize using agile project management.
In future, we want to carry out modern blended learning certifications for all the applications and developments we support for the users of the clinic and doctors in private practice. A combination of e-learning, web seminars and face-to-face workshops, which we are gradually introducing and expanding.
Sub-project "Web presences in Scrivito"

Following the relaunch of the portal presence, selected facilities and other external presences, the various LMU Klinikum websites will be migrated step by step to the new CMS Scrivito.
To this end, the Communications and Media department is developing "templates" to ensure that the individual websites below the portal are recognizable. What is new is that all facilities and internal appearances are now subsumed under the portal. This holistic appearance is intended to do justice to the new slogan of the new brand: "Together. Caring. Leading the way."
Scrivito is a cloud-based content management solution that combines high-performance technologies with intuitive usability for editors. Scrivito is based on the Ruby-on-Rails programming language and can therefore be flexibly adapted to the respective area of application.

Online Marketing
Online marketing includes all marketing measures and implements them in online media (internet, intranet, extranet, mobile devices). If you want to win new customers/prospects and retain them in the long term, you should not do without online marketing. There are many sub-areas of online marketing.

Web presences in Fiona
We, the Web Requirements and Services staff unit, try to further develop the WCMS of the LMU Klinikum München with great pleasure and commitment and to make it optimally accessible to our colleagues.

We offer you the open source software LimeSurvey for carrying out web-based online surveys or registrations. This software can be used to create forms for online surveys or registrations without any programming knowledge.

Teaming | dl-med
Teaming is suitable for all working groups that want to work together on content with access protection.
dl-med enables the provision of password-protected documents.
Both employees of the hospital and external cooperation partners can become members/users of Teaming / dl-med.