Invitation letter
Dear colleagues,
on behalf of all students and principal investigators of the “i-Target” and “Immutrain” programs, we would like to invite you to join us at the lovely venue of Nymphenburg Palace. Two days filled with exciting talks from an exquisite panel of experts in the fields of innate immunity and tumor immunology have been carefully planned.
We look forward to meeting you all, so that together, we can discuss the future of this enticing area of science.
With the best regards, yours faithfully
Munich, 1st February 2016
Prof. Dr. med. Sebastian Kobold
Abt. Klinische Pharmakologie
Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik IV

Prof. Dr. med. Stefan Endres
Direktor der Abteilung für Klinische Pharmakologie, Forschungsdekan der Medizinischen Fakultät - (seit 1984)

Prof. Dr. med. Veit Hornung
Chair of Immunobiochemistry