January 2025
Donjete Simnica, Dr. rer. nat., has been awarded one of the prestigious Walter-Benjamin Fellowships of the DFG, congratulations!
Theo Lorenzini, Dr. med., has been awarded the clinical science price of the German Society for Targeted and Immunotherapy for his publication coming out of his doctoral thesis in the lab, congrats!
November 2024
- Sebastian Kobold, Prof. Dr. med., has been granted the Wilhelm-Vaillant Award 2024 for his contributions to the field of tumor immunology and tumor immunotherapy.
- Andrea Ablasser, Prof. Dr., we congratulate Andrea Ablasser, medical doctoral student in our division from 2005 to 2010, now Professor, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, to be awarded the 2024 Liliane Bettencourt Prize for Life Sciences in Paris.
- Donjete Simnica, Dr. rer. nat., has received funding from the WiFoMed-program of the Medical Faculty to support some of her work, congratulations!
September 2024
- Andrea Ablasser, Prof. Dr., we congratulate Andrea Ablasser, medical doctoral student in our division from 2005 to 2010, now Professor, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, to be awarded the Paul Ehrlich and Ludwig Darmstädter Prize 2025. This is one of the most prestigious medical prizes in Germany.

Juli 2024
Thu Nguyen, Dr. med., (AG Kobold), was awarded funding from the Friedrich Baur Foundation to support her research, congratulations!

Adrian Gottschlich, Dr. med., and Sebastian Kobold, Prof. Dr. med., were awarded the Rolf-Becker-Award 2024 of the Medical Faculty.
Janina Dörr, Dr. rer. nat., (AG Kobold) was elected LMU Medical Scientist of the year 2024. Congratulations to the Team!

Mai 2024
Sebastian Kobold, Prof. Dr. med., our paper with the Böttcher lab on "How prostaglandins inhibit CD8+T cell function" has been published in Nature. Congratulations to Janina Dörr and everyone who contributed to this ground breaking story.
April 2024
Simon Rothenfußer, Prof. Dr. med., Pressemitteilung zum neuen Forschungsverbund, EU-Consortium:
Simon Rothenfußer, Prof. Dr. med., paper with the title "Prior flavivirus immunity skews the yellow fever vaccine response to cross-reactive antibodies with potential to enhance dengue virus infection" has been accepted at Nature Communications.
März 2024
Sebastian Kobold, Prof. Dr. med., paper with the title "Comparative performance of scFv-based anti-BCMA CAR formats for improved T cell therapy in multiple myeloma" has been accepted at Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy.
Februar 2024
Florian Märkl, PhD, paper accepted which is describing a novel mutation specific CAR for treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia has been published at Nature Communications in collaboration with the Binder lab in Basel.
Dezember 2023
- Sebastian Kobold, Prof. Dr. med., received an ERC consolidator grant: CATACLIS - Cancer tailored next generation cellular therapies.
Adrian Gottschlich, Dr. med., report from the EKFS newsletter. Stock, Dr. med., won the DGFIT Clinical Science Award 2023. Congratulations

- Theo Lorenzini, cand. med., was chosen to present his research data at the "6th KU International Medical Student Research Conference" at the Korea University, Seoul.
Oktober 2023
- Carolin Daniel, Prof. Dr., on October 25th the faculty council (Fakultätsrat der Medizinischen Fakultät der LMU) voted unanimously to grant Professor Daniel life-time tenure (Entfristung der W2-Professur). Congratulations.
- Adrian Gottschlich, Dr. med., the grant proposal at Deutsche Krebshilfe for the project „Single-cell gesteuerte Entwicklung von CAR T-Zellen“ was accepted.
- Sophia Stock, Dr. med., the abstract “Adaptor Anti-P329G CAR T Cells for Modular Targeting of AML” was accepted as poster at the ASH (The American Society of Hematology). Sophia won the ASH Abstract Achievement Award. Congratulations.
- Sebastian Kobold, Prof. Dr. med., received the Takeda Forschungspreis 2023.
August 2023
- Adrian Gottschlich, Dr. med., and colleagues from the TUM physics department, report on a new DNA-origami platform for cancer immunotherapy.
June 2023
- On June 28, Lars König, PD Dr. rer. nat., was awarded the certificate of "Privatdozent" (PD). PD is the title that can be awarded to a doctor when he has demonstrated his abilities in science and teaching and has successfully completed the elaborate habilitation procedure.
- Adrian Gottschlich, Dr. med., and Sophia Stock, Dr. med., got nominated to participate in the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting (#LINO23). We have been very proud to take part in this event with Stefan Endres, Prof. Dr. med.. Each year, highly talented young scientists are recruited worldwide among undergraduate, master and doctoral students and young postdoctoral scientists.

Charlotte Marx, Dr. med. vet., the grant proposal at Friedrich-Baur-Stiftung der Medizinischen Fakultät der LMU München" for the project „Charakterisierung von myeloiden Immunzell-Subpopulationen anhand des Oberflächenmarkerprofils in Patienten mit duktalem Pankreasadenokarzinom (PDAC)“ was accepted (14.100 Euro).
Sebastian Kobold, Prof. Dr. med., has been awarded a Georges-Köhler-Preis 2023.
May 2023
Carolin Daniel, Prof. Dr. phil. nat, together with colleagues Prof. Matthias Hebrok, Prof. Heiko Lickert and Prof. Eckhard Wolf won a new research grant by the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF), New York. The project “Immune-cloaking strategies for protection of stem cell-derived beta cells in the human relevant pig model. is funded with 2.248.970 US $.
April 2023
Andrea Ablasser, Prof. Dr., we congratulate Andrea Ablasser, medical doctoral student in our division from 2005 to 2010, now Professor, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, to receive the Paul-Martini-Preis 2023.
Florian Märkl, M. Sc., and Mohamed-Reda Benmebarek, Dr. rer. biol. hum., the paper on SAR T cells for melanoma treatment has been finally accepted at Journal for the Immunotherapy of Cancer, congratulations on this big achievement.
Felix Lichtenegger, PD Dr. med., former post-doc in the Rothenfußer group was promoted to Senior Medical Director at the biotech company T-knife Therapeutics, Berlin and San Francisco.
Sophia Stock, Dr. med., has been selected as one out of 635 young scientists world-wide to participate at the 72nd Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting in June 2023.
Adrian Gottschlich, Dr. med., has been selected as one out of 635 young scientists world-wide to participate at the 72nd Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting in June 2023.
March 2023
Charlotte Marx, Dr. med. vet., the grant proposal at "Forschung und Lehre (FöFoLe) der Medizinischen Fakultät der LMU München" for the project „Der Einfluss von sezernierten Zytokinen von Pankreaskarzinomzellen auf Phänotyp und funktionelle Eigenschaften neutrophiler Granulozyten“ was accepted.
Alexander Steger, Dr. med., medical doctoral student in our division from 2010 to 2012, Oberarzt, Klinik und Poliklinik für Innere Medizin I, Klinikum rechts der Isar: Wissenschaftspreis of the Kurt- und Erika-Palm-Stiftung 2023, awarded by the Deutschen Herzstiftung.
Sebastian Kobold, Prof. Dr. med., the application for the Forschungsverbund BAYCELLator funded by the Bayerische Forschungsstiftung was succesful. 2 Mio. Euro.
November 2022
Matthias Seifert, cand. med., is awarded a clinical science award from the "Deutsche Gesellschaft für Immuntherapie".
Sebastian Kobold, Prof. Dr. med., is awarded the Academy Award for Cancer Research by the Berlin-Brandenburg Akademie der Wissenschaften, endowed by the "Monika-Kutzner-Stiftung for Cancer Research".
October 2022
Öykü Umut, Ärztin., obtained the poster price of the 2022 Young Scientist Meeting of the German Cancer Aid.
Sophia Stock, Dr. med., has been selected for the Young Investigator Award of the DGHO.
September 2022
Sebastian Kobold, Prof. Dr. med., has been awarded an ERC proof-of-concept grant:
Sebastian Kobold, Prof. Dr. med., has been awarded funding by the Wilhelm-Sander-Stiftung.
Sophia Stock, Dr. med., has been awarded funding by the DKTK.
Lisa Gregor, M. Sc., has been awarded a PhD-stipend by the Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes.
August 2022
- Daniel Böhmer, Dr. med., approval of the research project "Molecular mechanisms of mitochondrial RNA recognition by protein kinase R (PKR) - new target structure for treatment of interferonopathies?" by the Foundation Commission of the Medical Faculty (11.435 Euro).
July 2022
- Stefan Endres, Prof. Dr. med., has been awarded a Robert Pfleger-Forschungspreis der Doktor Robert Pfleger-Stiftung, Bamberg.
- Adrian Gottschlich, Dr. med., obtained funding from the Bavarian Cancer Research Center (BZKF).
- Julia Rossi, M. Sc., successfully defended her master thesis at the University of Bordeaux.
- Thaddäus Strazalkowski, cand. med., was accepted to the Mildred-Scheel-Graduate Program of the Deutsche Krebshilfe.
- Sophia Stock, Dr. med., aced her paper on a new modular CAR T cell platform in JITC, congratulations to Sophia Stock, Mohamed-Reda Benmebarek and the team.
June 2022
- Sebastian Kobold, Prof. Dr. med., has been awarded the Monika Kutzner Stiftung zur Förderung der Krebsforschung 2022
February 2022
- Adrian Gottschlich, Dr. med., the grant proposal at "Forschung und Lehre (FöFoLe) der Medizinischen Fakultät der LMU München" was accepted (59.776 Euro)
- Sebastian, Kobold, Prof. Dr. med.,
January 2022
- Philipp Müller, cand. med., was accepted to the Mildreed-Scheel-Scholar Program of the German Cancer Aid to fund his thesis project
- Michael Wenzel, PD Dr. med. (doctoral degree in 2012), now University of Bonn, was awarded an ERC starting grant studying entire epileptic therapy, funded with 1.5 Mio Euro
December 2021
- Sebastian Kobold, Prof. Dr. med.: The Else-Kröner-Fresenius-Foundation has selected the physician scientist program "immunooncology and local interventions" (IOLIN) for funding. This program is headed by Professor Sebastian Kobold and co-headed by Professor Kirsten Lauber and Professor Michael von Bergwelt. IOLIN will start its work in 2022
November 2021
Sebastian Kobold, Prof. Dr. med., has been awarded the Lisec-Artz-Award for Cancer Research by the University of Bonn
September 2021
Carolin Daniel, Prof. Dr.: Winner of the Isil Berat Barlan Award for Women Scholars in Immunology – grant on the 3rd of September at the European Congress of Immunology (ECI, online) by Prof. Chatila (Children´s Hospital, Boston)
August 2021
Bruno Cadilha, Ph. D., our collaborative work with the Mempel and Pittet laboratories was just released in Cell and adds on the biological rationale to use the CXCR6-CXCL16 axis to treat cancer using T cells.
July 2021
- Lars König, Dr. rer. nat.: - Lars König, Dr. rer. nat. und Daniel Böhmer: Pressemitteilung LMU Klinikum: - Sebastian Kobold, Prof. Dr. med.: Pressemitteilung LMU Klinikum:
June 2021
- Cadilha B et al.: Our manuscript "Combined tumor-directed recruitment and protection from immune suppression enable CAR T cell efficacy in solid tumors " has just been released at Science Advances (JIF 13,2). Congratulations to Bruno and Mohamed-Reda for a breakthrough story.
- Lesch S et al.: Publication "T cells armed with C-X-C chemokine receptor type 6 enhance adoptive cell therapy for pancreatic tumours " has been published at Nature Biomedical Engineering (JIF 19,0), congratulation to Steffi, Vicky and Adrian who led the revision and of course the multinational team. - Briukhovetska D et al.: Publication "Interleukins in cancer: from biology to therapy" has been published at Nature Reviews in Cancer (JIF 53,0), congratulations to Daria and Janina for this incredible effort.
May 2021
- Sebastian Kobold, Prof. Dr. med., the collaborative research group TRR338 headed by Dirk Busch (TUM) has been selected for funding by the DFG. Prof. Sebastian Kobold is a coapplicant and project leader, congratulations.
- Sebastian Kobold, Prof. Dr. med., a team headed by Sebastian Kobold has received funding from the German Ministry for Research and Education (BMBF) in the program confirmatory preclinical studies. The team is constituted of Anne-Laure Boulesteix from the IBE at the LMU and Hinrich Abken from the Center for Interventional Immunology in Regensburg.
- Carolin Daniel, Prof. Dr., has been awarded with the Ferdinand Bertram Preis by the Deutsche Diabetesgesellschaft (DDG).
April 2021
- Gabriela Wiedemann, Dr. med. (doctoral degree in 2014), now Department of Medicine II, Technical University of Munich, was awarded an Emmy Noether Nachwuchsgruppe by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.
- Jan Gärtig, M. Sc., was selected for a doctoral scholarship by Cusanuswerk.
Februar 2021
- Andrea Ablasser, Prof. Dr., we congratulate Andrea Ablasser, medical doctoral student in our division from 2005 to 2010, now Professor, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, to receive the Deutsche Krebspreis (experimentelle Forschung) 2021. - Carolin Daniel, Prof. Dr. phil. nat.., has been awarded funding by the Heinz Bürger-Büsing-Foundation.
December 2020
- Carolin Daniel, Prof. Dr. phil. nat., continued funding in SFB 1054 “Control and Plasticity of Cell-Fate Decisions in the Immune System” (Speaker Prof. Dr. Thomas Brocker) 2021 to 2024, for project B11 “Mechanisms of immne activation vs. tolerance in autoimmune type 1 diabetes” with 467.000 Euro.
- Carolin Daniel, Prof. Dr. phil. nat., has been awarded funding by the EFSD (European foundation for the study of diabetes) Research Award.
November 2020
- Lars König, Dr. rer. nat., was elected as a new member to the Transregio 237 „Nucleic Acid Immunity“, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG).
- Mohamed-Reda Benmebarek, the manuscript on the use of the SAR T cell platform in acute myeloid leukemia has been accepted for publication in Leukemia. Congratulations to Reda and his team.
October 2020
- Natascha Röhrle, cand. med. (1. Prize) and Matthias Seifert, cand. med. (2. Prize) were highly successful in the abstract competition of the doctoral project information day (DoktaMed) of the Medical Faculty on October24th 2020. This year the DoktaMed was held as a video conference with the impressive number of 400 on-line participants. Three prize winning abstracts were selected from forty submissions. Two of these prizes went to the Klin-Pharm.
July 2020
- Hadi Karimzadeh, Dr. rer. nat., Preisträger der Deutschen Leberstiftung 2020.
- Öykü Umut, Ärztin, was awarded a doctoral stipend from the Deutsche Krebshilfe.
June 2020
- Sebastian Kobold, Prof. Dr. med., the European Commission has announced that the Consortium T-OP (Training Network for Optimizing Adoptive T cell Therapy) has been selected for funding by the Marie-Sklodowska-Curie actions. - Sebastian Kobold, Prof. Dr. med., has been awarded funding by the Fritz-Bender-Foundation.
- Lars König, Dr. rer. nat., Bewilligung DFG-Einzelantrag: Molekulare Mechanismen der Zelltodinduktion durch doppelsträngige 5‘-Triphosphat-RNA über 289.450 Euro.
May 2020
- Carolin Daniel, Prof. Dr. phil. nat., will be awarded for the 2020 IUIS Early Career Research Prize in Vaccinology R&D (10.000 Euro).
- Simon Rothenfußer, Prof. Dr. med., Pressemitteilung: Parameter für einen guten Impfstoff. - Stephan Kruger, Dr. med. (7.000 Euro) and Hadi Karimzadeh, Dr. rer. nat. (8.000 Euro), were awarded funding by the Friedrich Baur Foundation.
April 2020
- Bruno Cadilha, Arzt, Förderung durch die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Immun- und Targeted Therapie.
- Hadi Karimzadeh, Dr. rer. nat., was awarded the German Liver Foundation (Deutsche Leberstiftung) Prize 2020 for his work in the field of Hepatology and his publication “Mutations in Hepatitis D Virus Allow It to Escape Detection by CD8+ T Cells and Evolve at the Population Level” in Gastroenterology.
February 2020
- Phlipp Metzger, Ph. D., bewilligter Antrag auf Förderung des Forschungsvorhabens "Einfluss des Tumor Immune Microenvironment (TIME) auf das Ansprechen RIG-I-basierter Immuntherapie im Pankreaskarzinom“ Verein zur Förderung von Wissenschaft und Forschung (WiFoMed).
- Prof. Dr. med. Sebastian Kobold, 5th of february 2020: The German Ministry of Research and Education has announced the finalist of the "Cluster4future" initiative, the new flagship-program of the BMBF. Out of 137 proposals, the jury has selected 16 or the final round. - The Munich Cluster to Enable Personalized Cellular Therapies (PerCELLuM), as only bavarian life science cluster, is among the finalists. PerCELLuM is a joint cluster of the Ludgwig-Maximilians-Universität München and the Technische Universität München with significant contributions from the Helmholtz Center Munich. PerCELLuM is jointly led by Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Sebastian Kobold (LMU and KUM) and Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Dirk Busch (TUM and MRI).
January 2020
- Sebastian Kobold, Prof. Dr. med. will be awarded the Clinician Science Award 2020 by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Immun- und Targeted Therapie on January 31st 2020.
December 2019
- Stefan Endres, Prof. Dr. med., Wahl in den Vorstand des Wissenschaftlichen Beirats der Bundesärztekammer.
September 2019
- Bruno Cadilha, Arzt, Verleihung des Forschungspreis Young Scientists IO der Bristol-Myers Squibb-Stiftung Immunonkologie.
- Sebastian Kobold Prof. Dr. med. and Bruno Cadilha, Arzt, were awarded for the m4 Award with the thesis „Entwicklung einer T-Zelltherapieplattform um chimäre Antigenrezeptor (CAR) T-Zellen und andere zelltherapeutische Verfahren vor Suppression zu schützen und regulatorische Mechanismen zur Funktionsverstärkung einzusetzen - CARMOUFLAGE“.
- Sebastian Kobold, Prof. Dr. med. was awarded funding by the Jose Carreras foundation and the Hector foundation.
- Carolin Daniel, Prof. Dr. phil. nat., Preisträgerin des Nils-Ilja-Richter Preis 2019 der Deutschen Autoimmunstiftung.
July 2019
- Britta Siegmund, Prof. Dr. med., former doctoral student and post-doc (1995 to 2000) of the Division of Clinical Pharmacology, since 2013 Chair of Gastroenterology, Charité, Berlin, was elected Vice President of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. - David Anz, PD Dr. med., Bewilligung des DFG-Einzelantrags "Bedeutung des Chemokins CCL22 in der Aufrechterhaltung immunologischer Toleranz"; Förderung 241.000 Euro über drei Jahre.
- Hadi Karimzadeh, Dr. rer. nat. was awarded the Junior Researcher Fund by the LMU Excellent program
- Prof. Dr. med. Sebastian Kobold: Bewilligung des DFG-Einzelantrags "Rolle von Interleukin-22 in der Metastasierung des Mamma- und Lungenkarzinoms"; Förderung 370.000 Euro über drei Jahre.
- Prof. Dr. med. Sebastian Kobold: appointed W2-Professor for Experimental Immunoncology in the Division of Clinical Pharmacology.
- Our manuscript describing a novel cell therapy platform, the synthetic agonist receptor (SAR) T cells for cancer therapy was accepted in Clinical Cancer Research (JIF 10.2). Congratulations to Clara and Reda who spearheaded this work!
- Our manuscript on breast cancer metastasis and the functional link to breast cancer phenotype has appeared online at Science Advances (JIF 11.5). Congratulation to Bruno, Ana, Conny, Daria and Javi for their outstanding contributions.
June 2019
- Prof. Dr. phil. nat. Carolin Daniel: appointed W2-Professor for Immunmodulation in the Division of Clinical Pharmacology (will continue leading the group Immunotolerance at the Institute for Diabetic Research, Helmholtz Zentrum Munich).
April 2019
- Stefanie Lesch, M. Sc. won the "Posterpreis" – presented by Lena Völkl – at the ITOC Congress 2019 in Vienna.
March 2019
Manuscript PD Dr. med. David Anz: CCL22 controls immunity by promoting regulatory T cell communication with dendritic cells in lymph nodes. Journal of Experimental Medicine 2019; 116:5514-5522. JIF 10.8.
January 2019
PD Dr. med. Sebastian Kobold receives the Johann-Georg-Zimmermann Award for Cancer Research 2019.
December 2018
- Prof. Dr. med. Stefan Endres: member of the scientific advisory board (Wissenschaftlicher Beirat) of the "Bundesärztekammer".
October 2018
- Manuscript Rataj et al. "High affinity CD16-polymorphism and Fc-engineered antibodies enable activity of CD16-chimeric antigen receptor-modified T cells for cancer therapy" was accepted for publication in the British Journal of Cancer. Congratulations to the team and special thanks to Justyna Ogonek and Nicholas Tokarew who took care of the revision.
- DFG approval for purchasing an in vivo imaging system IVIS (e. g. for in vivo quantification of tumor growth); 361.000 Euro will be financed at 50 % each by the DFG and by the University Hospital.
August 2018
- The manuscript "PD1-CD28 fusion protein enables CD4+ T cell help for adoptive T cell therapy in models of pancreatic cancer and non-Hodgkin-lymphoma" was accepted for publication in Frontiers in Immunology 2018. Congratulations to Felicitas Rataj, Fabian Kraus and their team.
July 2018
- Dr. Julia Ahlfeld and Ph. D. Jin Zhang were awarded funding by the Friedrich Baur Foundation.
May 2018
- Three members of the Division have been granted funding as Principal Investigators within one renewed and two new Collaborative Research Centers (Sonderforschungsbereiche) der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft: Simon Rothenfußer, Prof. Dr. med. SFB-Transregio 237 “Nukleinsäure-Immunität” (Bonn, München und Dresden); Max Schnurr, Prof. Dr. med., SFB 1321 “Modellierung und Targeting des Pankreaskarzinoms”; and Peter Düwell, PD Dr. biol. hum. SFB 1123: “Athersklerose: Mechanismen und Netzwerke therapeutischer Zielstrukturen”.
- Stefan Endres, Prof. Dr. med., appointed as Member of the Kuratorium (Board of Trustees) des Deutschen Museums München.
April 2018
Congratulations to Anamarija Markota, Dr. rer. nat., Adrian Gottschlich, cand. med. and Felicitas Rataj, Dr. for their articles accepted in Human Vaccines and Immunotherapies, Translational Cancer Research and Translation Lung Cancer Research!
Justyna Ogonek was awarded funding from the "Verein zur Förderung von Wissenschaft und Forschung an der Medizinischen Fakultät der LMU", congratulations!
December 2017
- Der Immunologe Veit Hornung, Prof. Dr. med., klärt zentrale Abwehrmechanismen des angeborenen Immunsystems auf. Jetzt bekommt er für seine Arbeiten den wichtigsten deutschen Forschungspreis: den Leibniz-Preis 2017 der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft. Veit Hornung hat in der Abteilung für Klinische Pharmakologie promoviert und war Postdoktorand in der Abteilung (DE/
November 2017

October 2017
- Simon Rothenfusser, Prof. Dr. med.: Gemeinsamer Projektantrag mit Anne Krug (LMU) und Giovanna Barba-Späeth (Institut Pasteur, Paris) im Rahmen der ANR-DFG Cooperation 2017 in Natural, Life and Engineering Sciences bewilligt.
- Felicitas Rataj Dr., has been awarded a 2-year fellowship from Peter-and-Traudl-Engelhorn Foundation.
August 2017
Lars König, Dr. rer. nat.: Antrag auf Projektförderung bei der Else Kröner Fresenius-Stiftung in Höhe von 297.973 Euro wurde bewilligt.
Sebastian Kobold, PD Dr. med. mit ERC Starting Grant ausgezeichnet
July 2017
On July 7th the Division welcomed as a guest Prof. Jules Hoffmann, Université de Strasbourg. Prof. Hoffmann is a world leader in innate immunity. He received the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine in 2011 for his discovery of the toll system in insects.

May 2017
Sebastian Kobold, PD Dr. med. und Stefan Endres, Prof. Dr. med.: Antrag Onkattract beim Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, Projektträger Jülich wurde mit 1.202.588 Euro bewilligt.
February 2017
- Adrian Gottschlich, cand. med., was selected for the "Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes".
- Severin Jacobi, cand. med., was selected for a Jose-Carreras-Foundation doctoral student fellowship.
- Angelina Krächan, cand. med., was selected for a Mildreed-Scheel-Foundation doctoral student fellowship.
- Sebastian Kobold, PD Dr. med., was awarded the Hugo-Wilhelm-von Ziemssen-Award
- for medical research.
January 2017
October 2016
- Sebastian Kobold, PD Dr. med., received the Vincenz-Czerny Award 2016 by the German Society for Hematology and Medical Oncology.
September 2016
- Max Knott, cand. med. and Moritz Schmidbauer, cand. med., were selected into the "MeCuM StEP - Studierende Exzellenz Programm" LMU.
August 2016
- Cornelia Ochs, M. Sc., was awarded funding by the CIPSMwomen program.
July 2016
- Stefan Stoiber, cand. med., was awarded funding by the LMU excellent student research program.
- Our manuscript "Interleukin-22 is elevated in lavage from patients with lung cancer and other pulmonary diseases" was accepted for publication in BMC Cancer, congratulations to Amanda and her team.
- AG Anz was awarded funding by the Wilhelm-Sander-Stiftung.
June 2016
- Felicitas Rataj, Dr., was awarded funding by the Friedrich Baur Foundation.
- Sebastian Kobold, PD Dr. med., was awarded funding by the LMU Excellent program.
- Marion Subklewe, Prof. Dr.: The Clinician Scientist Program Cancer Immunotherapy (CSP Munich) has been selected for funding by the Else Kröner Fresenius Stiftung. PD Dr. Sebastian Kobold is one of the PI of the program. Congratulations!
May 2016
- Our manuscript "A novel TLR7 agonist reverses NK cell anergy and cures RMA-S lymphoma-bearing mice" was accepted for publication in Oncoimmunology. Congratulations to Gabi Wiedemann and her team.
April 2016
- Sebastian Kobold, PD Dr. med., receives the BMS-Melanoma Research Alliance Young Investigator Award.
- Sebastian Kobold, PD Dr. med., is awarded funding by the Verein zur Förderung von Wissenschaft und Forschung an der Medizinischen Fakultät der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München.
- Fabian Kraus, cand. med., is awarded a travel grant to the CIMT meeting 2016 in Mainz by the Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes.
March 2016
Dr. Felicitas Rataj is awarded funding from the CIPSM Gender Program.
Stefanie Lesch, M. Sc., is awarded funding from the CIPSM Gender Program.
Clara Karches, Dipl.-Biochem., is awarded funding from the CIPSM Gender Program.
January 2016
Sebastian Kobold, PD Dr. med., is selected for the career advancement award of the Ernst Jung Stiftung.