Grundlagenforschung | Forschungslabor
Patient-derived Organoids in Gynecological Oncology and Biology of Reproduction

Core mission
Located in the Munich City center, in the LMU Hospital Campus Innenstadt, next to the new LMU Polyclinic, our research lab focuses on the main fundamental biological processes, that need to be understood to further advance the fields of Gynaecological Oncology and Reproduction medicine and develop new therapeutic and diagnostic solutions of the future. By complementing the activities of the clinicians in daily management of patients, our scientists and students focus on individual characteristics of each patient and develop strategies for faster implementation of the personalized medicine approaches in the lab. To achieve this, we are specialized in generation of patient derived organoid models, based on preservation of progenitor potential of the patient`s tissues in complex 3D cell culture models.
We have successfully generated biobank of EOC ovarian cancer organoids, covering broad spectrum different histological types and stages of diseases, cohorts of organoids from fallopian tubes and endometrium, as well as collection of lines from distinct deposits of endometriosis tissue. In a range of multidisciplinary and collaborative projects and interaction with wide network of national and international partners we use organoids to investigate molecular basis of disease development in genital tract, cellular mechanisms which regulate cancer progression and response to therapy (e.g stemness mechanisms, epigenetics, DNA repair machinery, and mode of action of targeted therapies in vitro. Integration of molecular genetic tools ( shRNA, CRISPR/Cas9) in organoid culture as well as diverse analytic tools (sc-RNA sequencing, bulk-transcriptomics, Chip-seq) enable us to rigorously test new hypotheses and elucidate causative relationships within cellular pathways.
Research groups
AG Kessler
AG Kolben
AG Trillsch
AG von Schönfeldt
Clinical Scientists (MCSP LMU)
Dr. med Anca Chelariu Raicu
PD.Dr Sarah Meister Juliane Reichenbach
Associated researchers
PD Dr. med. Susanne Beyer
Dr. med. Johanna Becker
PD Dr. med. Alexander Burges
PD Dr. med. Bastian Czogalla
Dr. med. Franziska Ganster
Dr. med. Friederike Hagemann
PD Dr. med. Ana Hester
Dr. med. Simon Keckstein
Dr. med. Fabian Kraus
Dr. med. Nicole Topalov
Dr. med. Christina Tauber
Dr. med. Lennard Schröder
Dr. med. Christina Seifert
Dr. med. Liu Yishan

Head of the Lab
PD Dr. rer.nat Mirjana Kessler
Dr. med. Anca Chelariu Raicu

Technicians (MTAs)
Simone Hofmann
Tel: +(89) 4400 5425
Maria Fischer
Tel:+(89) 4400 54256
Martina Rahmeh
Tel:+ (89) 4400 54704
Sabine Fink
Tel:+ (89) 4400 54361
Cornelia Herbst
Tel:+ (89) 4400 54361
Madlen Peisker
Tel:+ (89) 4400 54704

Doctoral Students (
Dana de Beyer
Juste Cioraityte
Antonia Heimlich
Lillia Hladchenko
Alexandra Scharitzer
Friederike Kallenberg
Beimenbetova Zeinesh
Helena Stilianakis
Lisa Henkel
Pia Seidel
Sophia Hierlmayer
Sophie Mieter
Lena Müller
Max Wiegand
Juliana Schmid
Andreas Hartel
Phyllis Gievers
Lucia Loeffl
Mira Gliga
Doctoral Students (PhD and Dr.rer.nat)
Sophia Geweniger
Tingyu Zhang

January 2024
Kessler Group is looking for highly motivated and qualified researchers from abroad (Ph.D. thesis completed outside of Germany) interested in applying for competitive International Post-Doctoral Fellowships (EMBO or Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships). The project/s hosted by the group, in case of successful application, will cover the main basic and translation aspects of the biology of ovarian cancer, by using patient-derived organoids. Identification of key mechanisms, that determine stemness plasticity under therapeutic pressure, is of essential importance for the development of new targeted therapies to prevent disease recurrence. Candidates with previous experience in working with complex 3D cell culture models and advanced molecular genetics tools have an advantage.
Contact: Dr.rer.nat Mirjana Kessler (
May 2023 Start of the OVA-PDM, ERA PerMed consortium for identification of new biomarkers of PARPi response
March-April 2023 Moving of the Lab to the new space in Pettenkoferstraße 9b